

Parks in Baden

A peaceful haven, a social meeting place, a stately villa garden or a genuine work of art – the parks are all small city oases. Whether for a short break over lunch or for a picnic at the weekend, the green areas are there for everyone!

Alter Stadtfriedhof (Old Town Cemetery)

The Old Town Cemetery was inaugurated in 1821. Today, it is a public park with an integrated playground. Its special features are the central axis with the conically cut yews, the picturesque old trees and the artistically and historically valuable family graves. In 2013, the protected garden was thoughtfully renovated (and upgraded). The result is a unique mixture of cemetery, garden heritage and recreational space with its own enchanting atmosphere.


With the construction of the Kursaal around 1875, the park surrounding it was also created. Many elements of the lavishly equipped facility were unfortunately lost in the course of the later installations and reconstructions. What has remained is an impressive population of trees, the exotic greenery typical of that time and the characteristic waterworks.

Villa Boveri Park

On the western end of the city, you'll find the Villa Boveri, encompassed by the largest private garden complex in the city of Baden. Walter Boveri I built it in 1897. The park consists of three independent gardens: the landscape garden, the neo-baroque terrace garden and the bathing garden added in 1911. The landscape garden is characterised by an impressive array of trees dating back to the villa's founding years. The property is owned by the ABB Welfare Foundation and is open to the public.

Villa Langmatt Park

While the Villa Langmatt is home to an important collection of French Impressionist art, you can also enjoy the magnificent park around the villa. The industrialist Sidney Brown commissioned the park, whose construction began at the same time as the villa in 1900. The park was extended and redesigned several times until 1910. The property is owned by the Langmatt Sidney and Jenny Brown Foundation.

Due to the current complete renovation of the building, the museum and the park will be closed in 2024 / 2025. The reopening is planned for spring 2026.

Liebenfels Park Cemetery

Today's park cemetery stands on what used to be the "Liebenfels" estate. The Liebenfels Park Cemetery was planned in 1942 as a replacement because the old city cemetery in the city centre became too small. It was inaugurated in 1949. The complex considered an excellent example of a park cemetery, as it integrated large spatial sequences and indigenous old trees in the reconstruction plans.

Südgarten Cantonal Hospital

Not a classic park, but all the more worth seeing: the south garden, or Südgarten, of the Cantonal Hospital. Created in 1978 by the artists Albert Siegenthaler and Gillian White, it consists of sculptures, plants and hills. The central concept of the park is the "dance of death", with the sundial in the centre, symbolizing time. On the shortest day of the year, the sun shines directly on the chapel, which is surrounded by a moat. Shadows cast on the shortest and longest days outline the edges of ponds and hills. The sculptures are made of harmoniously ageing Corten steel.

All parks at a glance

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