Forest Bathing

Forest Bathing

On mysterious paths through Baden's forest

You've never seen the forest like this before: our guides will show you mysterious routes through the trees and introduce you to the secrets of "Shinrin Yoku". This is Japanese and means "bathing in the forest air".

A guided tour in Baden's forest, which you will discover with all your senses and strengthen your personal sense of well-being. Paired with exciting stories from yesterday and today – always in harmony with nature.

Tickets for WaldBaden spezial

On the WaldBaden special guided tour you will enjoy some sequences of "Feldenkrais® - Awareness through Movement". The forest offers a wonderfully inspiring environment for self-observation: How do I see my environment? How do I listen to the guide's stories? How do my feet stand on the forest floor? Where do I feel movement when breathing in the fresh forest air? Through different movements in the green you discover more lightness and sharpen your senses.